Memoir Masterclass

How to Start Writing Your Life Story

Not Sure How To Start Writing Your Memoir?

Have you always wanted to write your life story but now sure how?

Confused by definitions - life story, memoir, autobiography, narrative non-fiction, biography?

Do you have ideas swirling around in your head and need some clarity or order so you can begin?

Not sure how to create chapter outlines?

Not sure what to do once you've got chapter outlines?

Just want a bit of help to start?

Let me show you how...

Hi, I'm Leeza
A Storyteller, Teacher, Author, and Creator!

I love writing books and helping other people write their books.
It's all about the story because stories connect us!

Here I am with Tricia Sharkey, who wrote The Kaleidoscope of Life - Understanding Your Life Through Colour. She is also the teacher-trainer for Heal Your Life Workshops in Australia.

Many people come to me with an idea for a book but are not sure how to start. This Memoir Masterclass can really help you get started. This is my superpower. Helping people get their ideas down into a structure for a book.

When people hand me a 100,000 word non-fiction/memoir manuscript to edit, I often wish they just did this Masterclass, because it could have saved them time and money if they had organised their thoughts and ideas more clearly.

Every person is different, and every book is different. There's no one way to write a book. Some people prefer discovery writing, especially for fiction. However, I've found that this way has helped so many people in my workshops and through my editing processes.

Have a go and see if it helps you...

Why Do You Want To Write Your Story?

Personal reasons


For the family/future generations

For the wider public

To share an important message

To create change

To promote your business

To begin a writing career

To become rich and famous :)

Meet Alison Simpson

I helped Alison write her father's story, Ee Bah Gum - The Yorkshireman. Her father started writing his story but sadly passed away. Alison picked up the pen, finished his story, and added more of her story. The book is a family story and a legacy for future generations, but local organisations in the United Kingdom are picking up the book for its historical and social content.

You never know where your book can take you.

Course Curriculum - What You Get in the Course

Leeza Baric

Storyteller - Teacher - Creator

What Other People Say


Queensland, Australia

Thank you so much Leeza, for opening a new door of creativity for me. I love the way you inspired me with your passion, and I believed in myself enough to start writing. I'm so grateful that you've shown me a way to piece them together. I am so grateful and look forward to the next workshop.

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Memoir Masterclass

$97 AUD

  • How to Start Writing Your Life Story

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